Early in my career, I worked in a very demanding industry. I climbed the corporate ladder, said yes to everything, ignored my body's signals, and was feeling very unfulfilled. I was lucky enough to tune into what my inner knowing was telling me and made major changes.
I went back to school to get my diploma as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, something I would have never seen for myself in my corporate days. I did it for myself and my future. I fell in love with wellness, how small changes can make the biggest difference, and promised myself I would make this my career.
In 2019 I burned myself out once again building my business, not setting boundaries, and not listening to my body. I started applying new practices to my routines, implementing mindfulness, and began managing my stress in a healthy way. I believe in prioritizing self care-so I can show up for what's most important to me at 80-100%.
I now coach and support high-achieving women starting from the ground up who are looking to find a more enjoyable way of life.
My core beliefs lie in building a solid foundation of healthy habits through mindfulness, nutrition, movement, and work-life management.
I look forward to connecting!